Monday, November 29, 2010

Komodo Island

Komodo National Park lies between the province of east Nusa Tenggara  and west  Nusa Tenggara. This National  park separate of three major islands Komodo, Rinca, and Padar, and several small islands. This national park land Area 603 km ² and the total area is 1817 km ².
In 1980 the national park was established to protect the Komodo dragon and its habitat. There are 277 species of animals which is a mix of animals coming from Asia and Australia, which consists of 32 species of mammals, 128 species of birds and 37 species of reptiles. Together with dragons, at least 25 species of land animals and birds, including protected animals, because the amount is limited, or limited their deployment.
In addition, in this region there are also coral reefs. At least there are 253 species of reef-building corals are found there, with about 1,000 species of fish. The beauty of this reef to attract foreign tourists to swim or dive in these waters.

The islands were originally volcanic island. The population in this region is approximately 4,000. In 1986 the park was accepted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Address of Contact for Komodo island :
Office : Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, Jalan Kasimo, Labuanbajo, Manggarai Barat, NTT 86554
Telp : (0385) 41004, 41005 Fax. (0385) 41006
Working days : Monday – Friday, 08:00 ~ 16:00

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